Hacker Hall Of Fame

Collection of the world's best hackers. Natural selection is happening in the world of hackers has set aside some that is not able to adapt. Some of them switch professions or start doing something different from hacking philosophy. They are able to engrave his name stand as a demigod, an elite who serve to the hacker culture. It is not worth a hacker's ability membandingbandingkan and all individuals. Is not ethical to assess something universal, masingmasing have a unique substance. And uranium turn when the dark. However, there is always a prima causa, and gold will be gold berbinar the withdrawal, even though the mud. In this case there is no comparison to the absolute severity of a hacker. Hall of fame here is just collection of hackerhacker serve and that was recognized by the hacker community in general.
1st Richard Stallman
Handle: No (does not have to be hidden) One of the 'Old School Hacker', lab work on the Artificial Intelligence MIT. Feel disturbed by commercial software and copyright time. Finally establish GNU (read: guhNew), which stands for GNU is not UNIX. Using the computer in the first year in 1969 IBM in New York Scientific Center at the age of 16.
2. Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thomson
Handle: dmr ken and Dennis Ritchie is the author of a C language, with Ken Thomson write UNIX operating system elegant.
3rd John Draper
Handle: Cap'n Crunch
The 2600 single tone Herz use plastic whistle which is a gift from the cereals. It is a pioneer the tone in 2600 Hz and is known as Phone Phreaker (Phreaker, read: frieker) 2600 Hz tone used as tools to make the phone free. On development, the tone in 2600 Hz is no longer made with the whistle plastic, but use the tool called 'Blue Box'.
4. Mark Abene
Handle: Phiber Optik
As one of the 'Master of Deception' phiber optical menginspirasikan thousands of young people to learn the internal system phone countries. Phiber optical dinobatkan also as one of the genius of 100 people by New York Magazine.
Using computer Apple] [, Timex Sinclair and Commodore 64. Computer is the first Radio Shack TRS80
5. Robert Morris
Handle: rtm
A scientist from the National Computer Security Center is part of the National Security Agencies (NSA)
-. Firstly write Internet Worm so momental in 1988. Meng-infected thousands of computers connected in a network.
6th Kevin Mitnick
Handle: Condor
Kevin is the first hacker in the face terpampang posters' FBI Most Wanted '. Kevin is also a 'Master of Deception 'and has written a book entitled' The Art of Deception '. This book explains various social engineering
engineering to gain access to the system.
7. Kevin Poulsen
Handle: Dark Dante
Fraudulent conduct of digital radio stations KIISFM, ensure that he is a caller to 102 and
porsche 944 S2 win.
8. Johan Helsingius
Handle: julf
Anonymous remailer operates the world's most popular.
9. Vladimir Levin
Handle: unknown
Graduates St. Tekhnologichesky Petersburg University. Citibank and deceive computer meraup benefit 10 million dollars. Interpol arrested at Heathrow Airport in 1995
10th Steve Wozniak
Apple and build a computer using a 'blue box' for the sake of their own.
11. Tsutomu Shimomura
Successfully capture impressions Kevin Mitnick.
12. Linus Torvalds
A sincere hackers, the Linux operating system which is a combination of 'LINUS MINIX. System
Linux operating system has been operating a 'standard' hacker. Together with Richard Stallman GNUnya build Linux early version and collaborate with the programmer, developper and hackers around the world to develop the kernel Linux.
13. Eric Steven Raymond
Mr. hackers. Hacktivist and a pioneer opensource movement. Write a lot of hacking guide, one of them is: 'How To Become A Hacker' and 'The new hacker's Dictionary'. Once fenomenal and known by all hacking community of the world. According to Eric, "the world has many problems and waiting to be solved."
14th Ian Murphy
Handle: Captain Zap
Ian Muphy colleagues with 3 people, make hacking into computers AT & T and compose hour internal settings it. This resulted in the user community get discounts telfon 'night' at the time of the afternoon, and the have to wait until midnight to pay the bill with a high.

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