
Hacking is basically the spirit. In my religion ruh call, "ruh knowledge." Hacking will teach us how the world works and how we face the knowledge. In fact, sometimes we have to defeat it. And the essence of hacking is overcome all the limitations.Hacking growing environment in a certain intellectual and psychological, not the means to become a hacker must be genius, but with a hacking learn we will learn to be a genius. In this case means that the genius the ability to see the fact. The genius is not always get the ranking / champion is not the same person can answer all the questions teachers. Basically the question of teachers in schools or training is something that can memorize, can be learned with a book (textual), but with the way we stop to think. In geometry euclid we know the distance from the nearest two points is a straight line, and the number of corners in the triangle is 180 degrees. But whether we are in a flat space, if only side of the room?. Euclid failed to explain it all.The distance between Greenwich with the Los Angels should be further from what has been predicted. Because we are through space is curved. And the amount of space curved corner angle of the triangle MORE 180 degrees. Thinking and see how different it is with the wizard. Back to the environment hacking. Environment hacker dominated by people who try to see the way that is unique and so they try to overcome the limitations.

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